Weekend Intensive Leader Insights
For over 25 years, Hope & Healing’s founding leaders have walked alongside couples coming through adultery recovery. From the very beginning, through the era of the 10 week support groups, and into the Weekend Intensives, they have gained a wealth of insights and wisdom of what to do and what not to do. In this series of videos, they came together to share their insights on some of the toughest struggles of this journey.
Because infidelity has been defined by the experts as a trauma, we believe it is necessary to try and understand what a trauma is and how it might affect your recovery. Everyone acts differently. In this video the leaders will try to help you understand what may or may not be happening in your recovery. They will help to make sense of all the “craziness” that’s going on.
Experts tell us that the revelation of adultery is comparable to the sudden death of a loved one. The trauma of losing a loved one comes with deep pain and grief. Go with the leaders now as they share their insights of the grief associated with the losses of infidelity.
While working with couples, it always amazed us to hear the lies they believed about adultery. At Weekend Intensives we would spend time talking about these lies and how they get in the way of the recovery process. In this video the Leaders share some of the favorite lies they believed back in the beginning of their recoveries. According to the couples, this was always very informative and a highlight of the weekends.
“Will I ever be able to forgive my spouse for cheating on me?” “Will I ever be able to forgive myself for cheating on my spouse?” No matter how you look at it, Forgivenss is a huge issue in recovering from infidelity in your marriage. See what the leaders have to say about forgiveness. Watch the video.
Can we rebuild trust? How can I ever trust him/her again after they have been unfaithful to me? Is it even possible to rebuild trust? The answer is YES! You can rebuild trust. The leaders have a lot to share about this journey to rebuilding trust.
Forgiveness, Trust & Reconcilition
The leaders believe that it is extremely important to understand the difference between Forgiveness, Trust and Reconciliation. They are not synonymous. In this video they define each with real life examples and share how couples often confuse the three.
One of the biggest stumbling blocks in recovery is questions and answers. How much information do you give your spouse about the affair? How much is too much information? “When will all these questions end?” “When you don’t answer my questions it just feels like more deception.” Even the therapists disagree on this topic.
The first 13 minutes of this video is a presentation by Mona. At 13:25, The Leaders Insights roundtable discussion begins. Find out what the leaders have to say after working with couples for over 25 years.
Healing Timeline
Not every couple is the same, so how can healing from infidelity be graphed out onto a timeline? It can’t. But it can be looked at from the view point of the different phases couples go through in recovery. There is a lot of hope in knowing that even though this is a hard journey, you are not alone and other couples share the same experiences as you.
During the infidelity recovery process you learn a lot about what behaviors, that you believed were perfectly innocent, turned out to be the very things that contributed to you leaving the door open to temptation and eventually falling. “Hedges” are behaviors that we’ve put in place to help prevent this from happening again. In this video the leaders share several of their personal hedges. Watch and discover how their everyday decisions help to keep their marriages safe.
Emotional Affairs
There are a lot of differing opinions on what constitutes an emotional affair. This can be a huge stumbling block. In this video you will discover the three components of an emotional affair and hear from the leaders on what they have learned in their experiences as they have worked with the couples in recovery.
Mike & Jo’s Story
Mike & Jo are one of the founding couples of Hope & Healing Ministries. In this video they share their stories of how infidelity devastated their marriage. They also share how their journey with God led them back to a relationship of love, trust, intimacy, and respect for one another. This very transparent couple’s testimony will leave you inspired and full of hope for a brighter tomorrow.
Gary & Mona’s Story
In this video Gary & Mona share their stories of how they were left so vulnerable, Gary’s fall into adultery and their long journey back to a healthy marriage. They also share about God’s calling on their lives after walking along side Mike & Jo in the early days of their recovery. Under the supervision and mentorship of their Christian counselor, Hope & Healing Ministries was born